Select this menu option to create a high/low chart.
Your data is displyed in a high/low chart.
Select this menu option to create a scatter chart.
Your data is displayed in a scatter chart.
Select this menu option to create an X,Y line chart.
Your data is displayed in an X,Y line chart.
Select this menu option to create a customized pictograph.
Your data is displayed in a pictograph.
Select this menu item to make this the current document.
Provides access to the Timeline, Datasheet, Sound, QuickTime, and other open presentation windows. Any open presentation files will be displayed at the bottom of the menu so that you can easily switch between them.
Opens the Timeline window for the current slide.
Opens the Datasheet window to create a new datasheet or edit an existing datasheet.
Displays a submenu allowing you to open the Sound Editor, so you can edit an existing sound or record a new one.
Displays a submenu allowing you to open the QuickTime Editor to edit an existing QuickTime movie.
Displays a list of currently loaded chart formats.
Displays a preview of your chart as it will appear on your slide.
Sets the depth of each bar, pie wedge, or scatter chart marker. Setting this to the far left will create a 2-dimensional chart.
Depending on the chart type selected, this option can set the amount of space between each group or category of data, set the width or weight of lines, or set the size of the points used.
Sets colors for the chart background and any of the series colors. The colors in the Colors bar reflect the colors in the preview.
Displays a pop-up menu of different chart types, such as column, bar, line, area, pie, and scatter.
Displays a pop-up menu of different chart types, such as column, bar, line, area, pie, and scatter.
Displays a pop-up menu of different chart types, such as column, bar, line, area, pie, and scatter.
Displays a pop-up menu of pre-defined formats that can be applied to a chart. Formats include entire chart appearance and animation.
Displays a dialog box where you can se text attributes for the axes, legend, and title text separately.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to specify the numerical format and number of decimal places to use for numbers displayed along the X and Y axes.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to modify background panels, grids, axes labels, tick marks, and plot ranges for the X, Y, and Z axes.
Enable this checkbox to automatically generate a legend for your chart.
You can not create a legend for this chart because either there are no labels from which to create one, or the chart is a pictograph, which isn't identified by colors.
A legend will be automatically generated with your chart.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to type a title for your chart.
Allows you to load a different chart format into your presentation.
Allows you to save your chart attributes as a format.
Displays a dialog box which allows you to set the chart's animation.
Animates the chart with all of your settings in the Preview box.
Enable this option to have your chart data displayed by series.
Your rows of data are displayed by series.
Enable this option to have your chart data displayed by category.
Your chart data will be displayed by category.
Sets the space between the segments in a group or category.
Allows you to specify a name for a chart format and saves it as part of the presentation rather than separately.
Removes the chart format from memory.
Shows a preview of your chart with the selected attributes.
Displays a pop-up menu which allows you to choose how the data elements will appear in relation to each other when they are entering the screen.
Displays a pop-up menu which allows you to choose how the data elements will appear in relation to each other when they are exiting the screen.